Graphical Data
Acquisition and Control
for Your Micro and Imagination!

Release 9.2 (Version 4 Beta) is available!
June 2011
Full version FREE for Home/Educational Use
Upcoming License
Changes: Due to a pending distribution agreement, this package will no
be free for use starting sometime in 2012 and will be a higher price.
Multiple improvements and new documentation are planned. Current licenses
will be honored - get yours now at the discounted price of $19.00 USD.
An older version will be available to support educational material on the
market currently.
New Meters, Gauges and Image Button

If you are having issues with Prolific USB-Serial Communication
on 64-bit Vista, there is a know bug with the Prolific Driver
and the MSComm.ocx. Please contact Prolific to urge them to
correct their drivers or use an FTDI based one.
StampPlot is an application for plotting,
indication, logging, and control of serial data typically from a
though other sources may be used. Fully configurable from the
controller or through PC based macro files.
While the BASIC Stamp (R) from Parallax
is our favorite, most any controller that can communicate to a PC's serial
port may be used. Controller's that use USB and Virtual Serial Port
Drivers may also be used.
StampPlot is extremely versatile:
Eight ready-to-run configurations for
monitoring and control.
Plots up to 10 comma-separated analog
Plots over 8 channels of digital data.
Save plots files and JPG images.
Template data into other documents.
Linear or Logarithmic scales and
numerous math operations.
Instructions for drawing, playing WAV
files, and placing graphics images.
Plot Objects allow you to create
graphical user interfaces (GUI) for monitoring or interactive
Alarming meters, gauges, Text boxes, sliders, image boxes, image
buttons, progress bars, list boxes,
additional plotting areas and more.
Configurations may come from the
controller or PC based text file (StampPlot Macro).
Perform over-the-Internet acquisition
and control with the included Serial-TCP gateway software (host PC
Free StampPlot Pro use for home and educational
users, though licenses to help support continued development are
ALWAYS welcome!
Lost cost licenses ($25) for others
users or those wishing to support the product.
Compatible with all StampPlot Lite