Update Values for a control automatically update their default property, or a defined property 50 times a second based on values in MakerPlot-J or some control's property. Update values run outside of the Processing Queue and update very rapidly. The Update Value may be configured with the Interface Editor (F3) or by setting the update property of a control:
An Update Value can use Standard or Post-Fix Math to manipulate the data when being processed. { ([ain0] + [ain1]) / 2 } {:: [ain0] [ain1] + 2 / }
Update values can use another control's properties in updating: [plot.maxCh0]
The default property of the control is updated by default when the Update Value is set, such as the text for a textbox or label or the value of a meter. To update a non-default value, enter .property=[value] such as the following to update a controls backColor to analog value 0 (decimal colors range from 0 to 16777215). .backColor=[ain0]
Or, the top property of a control can be set to allow movement of the control based on data: .top=[ain0]
Double-Clicking on the Update Value textbox will open the text in the Code Editor. This allows use of the contextual help to assist in writing the Update Value string.
Please see the Code Editor Window for more information on using this editor.