The Interfaces menu provides operations for the Main and Child Interfaces.
•Always on Top: Keep the Main Interface on top of other windows on the screen.
•Take Snapshot of Interface: Takes an snapshot image of the interface and stores it in the Snapshots directory. Please see the !snap and !snapInterface instructions via the Debug/Immediate Window.
•Take Snapshot of Screen: Takes a snapshot of the full display and stores in the Snapshot folder.
•Interface About: Shows the 'About' information of the Interface.
•Interface Comments: Shows the 'Comments' for the Interface file.
•New Child Interface: Creates a new child interface. Edit mode must be enabled for this, F9. Note that when a new Child Interface is created, it may be accessed through the menu or using CTRL-1 through CTRL-9 for the first 9 created. The Main Interface may be accessed with CTRL-0 from a Child Interface.