Navigation: Standard Controls > Analog Plot >

Icons and Controls





The plot has many icons to help control how data is plotted, displayed and the actions of the plot.


Shift the plot traces upwards.

Double Span
Double the Y-Axis or X-Axis span

Halve Span
Halve the Y-Axis or X-Axis Span

Shift Down
Shift the traces down

Auto-Scale Y-Axis
Auto-scale the Y-Axis based on the maximum and minimum of all channels currently shown.

Auto-Scale X-Axis
Auto-scale the X-Axis based on oldest and newest X-axis values (normally time).

Shift the traces to the left.

Shift the traces to the right.


Plotting On
Enable plotting (Green) or disable (Red).
When plotting is enabled, the plot traces will reset or clear.

Plotting Paused
Pause Plotting Traces - Plotting will continue, but any points beyond when enabled will not be shown until disabled. Channel values will lock into the last value at the time it was enabled.

Reset XY Axis
Reset the X & Y Axis values to the last set by used of the Axis Settings textboxes or through code.

Reset Plot
Reset the plot/clear all traces back to time 0.

Auto-Shift at Max Time
When enabled, shifts the plot to the left when the traces reach maximum value. This control is automatically disabled by a variety of plot operations.

Auto-Reset at Max Time
Reset or clear the plot when maximum time is reached for continuous 'sweeps'.

Halt at Max Time
Halts plotting when maximum time is reached - Single Sweep. Re-enable plotting with the Plotting On control.

Plot Snapshot
Saves a snap shot image of the plot only in the "Snapshots" folder accessible from the main menu "Folders".
Saves plot images are appended with date (MM/DD/YY) and time to the plot's title.

Dataset Save
Saves the plot dataset to the plot's interface directory (Current Interface). May be opened with the plot's pop-up using "Load Data". Saved datasets use the plot's title and are appended with date (MM/DD/YY) and time.


The plot area responds to various mouse events.


Point Zoom In/Out

By placing the mouse cursor over a point on the plot and using the mouse scroll wheel, the X-Axis will adjust to zoom in or out on the point. Holding down the SHIFT key will zoom in/out on the Y-Axis at that point.


Box Zoom

By holding the SHIFT key and using the mouse-click-drag to draw a box, the X and Y-Axis will zoom into the boxed area. Pressing the ESC key after a zoom will return the plot the pre-zoom axis settings.



Clicking the plot and dragging will move the plot point to the position of the cursor. This is normally done in real-time showing the traces moving, but if sufficient data is being plotted such that the action may be sluggish, the trace move will not occur until the mouse button is released.


A RIGHT button mouse click-drag OR using ALT button with LEFT mouse click-drag will cause a red measurement line to appear and the values in the upper-right will update based on the measured difference in time (dX), amplitude (dY), slope (dY/dX) and frequency (1/dX).


The X-Scroll bar will also respond to mouse scroll wheel to shift by small amounts or by "pages" if SHIFT key is held down. The Y-Scroll will also respond to scroll wheel use.



Keyboard Controls

When the mouse pointer is over the plot, the following keys may be used to shift the plot:

- Arrow Up: shift plot traces up (note: Axis values shift down)
- Arrow Down: shift plot traces down
- Arrow Left: Shift plot traces left
- Arrow Right: Shift plot traces right

Holding the SHIFT key while using arrows will shift 100% of the plot scale for Up and Right, conversely for Down and Left.


Holding the ALT key while using arrows will increase the height/width of the plot (decreasing the scale) for the Up and Right Arrow, and conversely for down.


Holding the SHIFT and ALT keys while using the arrows will shift the maximum X and Y scales.


Space Bar will pause/resume plot shifting or maximum time reset.


Save an analog plot's axis settings for cycling through axis saves for data review, allow to mark points while plotting, then pause or stop plotting and review them, or using them for analysis aspects.

Ensure the mouse cursor is over the plot.

Press 's' to save axis settings. May also use ! in code from the controller.

Press 'b' to go back through settings. Shifting will be suspended, press Space to resume.

Press 'f' to go forward again.

Press 'c' to clear save settings.

Current maximum of 100 settings will be saved, after that the oldest will be removed when adding new.





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