Normal drawings are part of data used to redraw the plot, as such they are removed when a plot is reset. These drawings are created using !plotControlName.draw.... These drawing are saved when the plot is saved.
Constant drawings are held in memory even when you perform a plot reset and are not removed when the plot is reset. These drawings are created using @plotConstrolName.draw... These drawings are saved when the plot is saved. They may use relative or absolute coordinates.
!plot.drawRect 0,-10, 12, 10, RED, 5
!plot.drawRect 12, 20, 24, 40, GREEN, 5, 45 // with rotation
@plot.drawLine 0, 90, 48, -10, BLUE
!plot.drawFilledArc 60, 40, 10, 45, 90, ORANGE
@plot.drawImage 70, 80, 80,,\icons\fan.png,45 // image with rotation
Reseting the plot results in:
The maximum number of normal drawings held in memory (before oldest is deleted) may be set with !plotControlName.maxDrawings= and they may be cleared with !plotControlName.clearDrawings or using the pop-up menu.
The maximum number of constant drawings held in memory (before the oldest is deleted) may be set with !plotControlName.maxConstDrawings= and they may be cleared with !plotControlName.clearConstDrawings or using the pop-up menu.
Normal drawings are useful for using data to place temporary information of indications of data as it plots. Constant drawings are good for labeling permanently areas of the plot (typically using absolute coordinates) or plotting items that can be saved with the plot.