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Analog Plotting





Note: Digital Data may also be plotted on the analog plots to allow viewing digital data in time with the analog data. Please see Mixed Mode Plotting.


Analog data are simply numeric values, such as 10 or 10.5, etc. And analog string starts with an analog value and multiple values may be sent by using comma separated values, such as:




If sent to an interface with analog plot, the values will be plotted. On analog plots, up to 10 values may be sent. In MPJ these are referenced as ain0 to ain9. Up to 99 values may sent in a single string for ain0 to ain99.


ALL strings must end with a carriage return (ASCII 13 or \r) or line feed (ASCII 10 or \n).


An example of Ardiuno code to send 3 values for 3 plotted channels would be similar to:

Serial.print(val1);      // NOTE: print not println for all but last

Serial.print(",");        // insert comma between values



Serial.println(val3);   //println to add the line feed character


Plotting individual channels

Individual channels may be plotted using the plotChan instruction.

!plot.plotChan channel, value


!plot.plotChan 2,20


Serial.print("!plot.plotChan 2,");


To limit how much data is stored for redrawing the plot traces, there is a setting for the maximum number of data points to be stored per channel. The progress bar in the upper right indicates the number used. Upon reaching maximum, the oldest data for a trace will be deleted. This value may be adjusted in the Settings Window. Values above 1 million are not recommended but is depends greatly on how much of the data is shown on the plot.



The upper-right of the plot shows the current value of X and Y for the cursor on the plot.

The upper-right also contains information the user can obtain with RIGHT Mouse-click Drag to measure difference in time (dX), difference in amplitude (dY), slope (dY/dX) and frequency (Hz).

Please see Mouse Controls.


Individual Channels may be shown or hidden using the checkboxes in the legend for each channel. The channel names may be changed, see Settings Window.


There are a number of other controls on the plot. See see Axis Settings, Icon Controls and Scroll Bars for information on them.





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