The plotting channels can be configured most easily though the plot Settings by using the plot's pop-up menu to configure:
•The color of the channel.
•If the channel plot is shown.
•The label or name of the channel in the legend.
•The value or formula of the channel using in plotting.
•Click a color to select a new color. !plot.colorCh0=GREEN
•Un-check to hide a channel !plot.showCh0= 1 or 0
•Enter a new name to change the legend name. !plot.nameCh1=Boiler
•Pre-Plot Formula - Applied to the data prior to plotting. For the formula, the following rules apply:
•If blank, the corresponding [ainX] values will be plotted. [ain0] for Channel 0, [ain1] for Channel 1, etc.
•A channel may be turned off from plotting data by entering off.
•Sources of data such as [ain12] or [sldSetpoint]
•Formulas may be used , braces {} not required for standard math, but :: are for post-fix math, Post-fix require less processing time than standard math. ([ain0] + [ain1]) / 2 sin(rad(plot.ch0)) :: [ain0] [plot.ch0] + 2 /
Formulas set in code should disable value replacement and re-enable it once complete.
!replaceValuesOff=1 !plot.formulaCh0=[ain2]
Note: Formulas take place when the data is received and processed. Changing the formula will have no effect of data already plotted.
•Post-Plot Formula - Applied to data after plotting
•If blank, no formula is applied.
•If one was applied to plotted data, it will be removed if deleted.
•Use the value [pre] to access the trace's original plotted value, such as after the pre-plot formula is applied (if any).
•For example, to add an offset of 10 to the plotted data, use: [pre] + 10 or using faster post-fix math: ::[pre] 10 +
•Note: Applying a post-plot formula to large amounts of plotted data may take several seconds to be applied.
•When reading a value, such as [plot.ch0], the post-plot formula result will be returned.