StampPlot can be used to create web pages using the data and snapshot images.
This example is self-contained, and will prepare a web page with a snapshot and the plot data.

If you open this macro directly, it may run properly, but you might want to save it to a directory first.


See a sample page (not actively updated)

Discussion of this macro:

This macro allows setting configurations for the web page, such as the frequency of updating the image and the data, and the frequency with which to refresh the browser using JavaScript.  There are several issues in working with web pages, one of which is when working with images, or other media, the page must be able to locate the image or media.  To make this self-contained, the macro itself creates a web page using the data logging features of StampPlot to create a web page 'log'.

General macro operation:

  • A timer is used to a macro routine which updates the webpage.
  • The data log file name is changed to webpage.htm in the current macro directory:
    !NAMD (PATH)webpage.htm
  • The old webpage (data file) is deleted:
  • Date/Time appending for images is disabled to maintain a constant image name:
  • An image is taken of the plot:
    !SNAP (PATH)plotimage
  • Time stamping is disabled so that directly-logged data does not get stamped.
  • All files created use (PATH) to maintain them in one location.
  • The web page is created using the !LOGD instruction for each line of the page.  The web page consists:
    • JavaScript is used to regularly update the web page by setting the time using the refresh time object which is replaced when the instruction is performed.
      !LOGD var limit="(page_refr)"
    • The page is created using StampPLot macro values throughout:
      !LOGD     <td width="20%"><b>(txtAnalog0)</b></td>
      !LOGD     <td width="20%">(AINVAL0)</td>

      The plot image is inserted with:
      !LOGD <p align="center"><img border="0" src="(SNAPNAME)"><br>
      Note: (SNAPNAME) returns only the name of the snapshot. (SNAP) returns the entire path which would be inappropriate for paged being 'served' though it would work on the local machine. (Also, a bug in beta prior to 0.95 prevented (SNAP) from being updated in certain circumstances)
    • Once created, the name of the data file is returned to the normal name for data files and time stamping is re-enabled
      !NAMD (PATH)webdata.txt
      !TSMP ON
    • The webpage is opened in the browser (associated application) using the View Page command button event code of:
      !POBJ View_Page.C=!APPA (PATH)webpage.htm


  • To be served out from a server, the directory the macro is ran from must be a web-share.  This means that you are running Personal Web Server, Internet Information Server (IIS), or another webserver.  Typically, this would be the InetPub/wwwroot directory. Or, a virtual directory may be used to point to the directory.
  • In JavaScript, subscripts are denoted such as data[0].  StampPlot corrupts the [0] by treating it as a math operation and returning 0 for data0.  No fix or workaround is available yet.  This example removed all use of these for the auto-refresh script.
  • Beta versions prior to 0.95 do not delete the data file properly when it exists outside of StampPlot's Data directory leading to multiple sets of data on the page.

Other options:
This example was fairly complex to make a self-contained version. Some other options you may explore:

  • The image alone, or data file may be sent to a active webshare directory.  For example, for a snapshot, simply provide the path from StampPlot to the directory
    !SNAP c:\inetpub\wwwroot\plotimage
    Then simply develop a page that will use that image in another web development application.
  • Instead of having the webpage contained in the macro, a template may be created, and the template command may be used to replace the StampPlot values. An example of this is in the help files.
    !TMPL template.htm,C:\inetpub\wwwroot\default.htm
  • Instead of deleting the old web file with !DELD, simply add to the existing file with new data (images not recommended due to naming issues, but possible).
  • If you use meters, etc, enable snapshots of the entire form using !FORM ON.  Note:  The form must remain visible on the desktop.
  • If you use images, such as the LEDs, place them in the same directoryand address them in html as:
    <img src="led_red_(BIT1).jpg">


Website and software copyright 2009, SelmaWare Solutions
BASIC Stamp is a registered trademark of Parallax, Inc
XBee is a registered trademark of Digi International
Excel is a registered trademark of Microsoft, Corp.

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