The Debug/CLI window is a powerful tool in monitoring, debugging, testing, getting help and running instructions.
Features of the Debug/CLI Window include:
•Monitoring Serial communications, data, instructions and other processing occurring.
•Using Contextual Help to view and select available controls, properties, instructions and values.
•Monitoring properties and values in real time.
•Viewing Error Messages.
•The instruction !debug or ? for short can be used to send data to the output text for viewing, from the command line or code or from the controller: !debug Hello ? Hello ? The value is [ain0]
Serial.print("The drive is: "); Serial.println(drive);
•Instructions and other operations may be entered in the Command Line text area: !plot.reset !met0.max=[plot.maxCh0]
•Multi-line instructions may be entered by pasting multi-line MPJ code or using ALT-Enter after each line.