Navigation: Windows > Debug/CLI >

Using Contextual Help





When typing in the input box of the Debug/CLI Windows, the listing to the right will update to show relevant items to the text being entered.


Typing ! will show all available operations:


Controls (and child interfaces)

Main Interface instructions

General instruction

Main Interface properties

Drawing Instructions for the Main Interface



Typing characters following ! will limit the list to those only containing those characters.


Instructions are followed by a help summary of the instruction and properties, variables and values will show their current values.


By right-clicking an item, a box will open to show a help summary.


The text entered may be auto-completed by double-clicking an item or typing CTLR-SPACE for the 1st item in the list.


Once an item is completed, pressing F1 will show the help summary in the text window.


If a control name is entered, followed by a 'dot', the available properties and instructions available will be listed.


Items may be right-clicked for help, or auto-completed using CTRL-SPACE, where F1 may be used to show the help in the text area.


This allows instructions such as !sldCh0.max=100 to be quickly entered without errors.


Returning Values

Typing an open-bracket, [, will show all available:



Main Interface properties and values which may be returned

Drawing Constants (named colors)



Help is available on an item by right-clicking it completing (CTRL-SPACE to auto-complete first) and using F1.

Using [ and entering a control or Child Interface name and typing a 'dot' will show all available properties and values for that control.



Math Operations

Standard Math (Infix)

An open brace { indicates the beginning of a standard math operation. As the available math operations are quite extensive, only a short list of common operations are listed. Please see Standard Math for a full listing.



Post-Fix Math

MakerPlot-J also supports post-fix math operation for many mathematical and string operations. The full listing is shown, but see Post-Fix Math for more information along with the contextual help through right-clicking an operation or using CTRL-ENTER to show help once entered. These operations are designated using {::






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