The Analog Plot has many values for accessing current values of the plot. The entire list is best viewed in the the Debug/CLI Wndow (F4), Code Editor or the Controls Viewer (F6). In many views, selecting and right-clicking a property will open its help.
An overview will be discussed here. A value cannot be set directly, only read.
A value may be read in code with:
? [controlName.value]
In the Debug/CLI, the current value of the values will be shown.
For the Analog Plot, the values break down into the following categories for channel, 0 to 9, where x = 0 to 9:
•chx - Current or last plotted value of the channel.
•timeChx - Current or last time the channel value was updated in seconds.
•lastValueChx -The value of the prior reading of the channel (useful for drawing data)
•lastTimeChx - The time in seconds of the prior plotted value (useful for drawing data)
•avgChx - The average since cleared or reset of the all that channel's data.
•minChx - The minimum since cleared or reset of the all that channel's data.
•minTimeChx - The date and time of the minimum recorded
•minTimeSecChx - The seconds into the plot of the minimum time
•maxChx - The maximum since cleared or reset of the all that channel's data.
•maxTimeChx - The date and time of the maximum recorded
•maxTimeSecChx - The seconds into the plot of the maximum time
•csvChx - The full data of the plot data points in comma separated values (CSV) to process in some math operations, such as mean().
Beyond the plotted values, the following can be accessed:
•mouseX and mouseY - The X and Y values based on the axis values of a mouse click.
•plotTimeSeconds, plotTimeMinutes, plotTimeHours - The time into the plot if various clock modes.