The Analog Plot has many instructions for . The entire list is best viewed in the the Debug/CLI Wndow (F4), Code Editor or the Controls Viewer (F6). In many views, selecting and right-clicking a property will open its help.
An overview will be discussed here. A value cannot be set directly, only read.
An instruction may be executed by using
!controlName.instruction parameters
The Analog Plot's instructions are broken down into two categories: General and Drawing
Most General Instructions are used to control the axis of the plot, a few of note include:
•reset - Resets the plot deleting all current data !plot.reset
•plotChan channel, value - Allows manually plotting data on a given channel !plot.plotChan 5, 30
•save filename - saves the plot data with the given filename. See Saving Plots
•snap filename.png - saves an image of the plot with name provided. !plot.snap myplot_[systemDateTimeDash].png
The drawing instructions are discussed in Analog Plot Drawings.