The Analog Plot has 7 Event Triggers that can specify code to run when that event is triggered:
•load: Triggered when the interface finishes loading or other times that !runLoad is issued.
•click: Triggered when the plot is clicked, returns the X and Y coordinates as mouseY and mouseY. <click> ? [this.mouseX], [this.mouseY]
•dblClick: Triggered when the plot is double-clicked, returns the X and Y coordinates as [plotControlName.mouseX] and [plotControlName.mouseY]. Note that a click event will also be triggered.
•analog: New analog has been plotted.
•reset: The plot has been reset.
•xAxisChange: The scale of the X-Axis has changed. Can be used to help synchronize other plots or controls.
•yAxisChange: The scale of the X-Axis has changed. Can be used to help synchronize other plots or controls.