Right-Clicking the plot will open the plot's pop-up menu.
Settings - will open the Settings Window.
Plot Style - allows the user to select various way the plotted data may be viewed.
Auto Shift Amount - Amount defines how much to shift the plot when it reaches the maximum time. This my be useful when large amounts of data are being plotted and you wish to minimize how often it needs to redraw.
Plot Analog and Digital Channels - controls whether analog and/or digital data will be plotted.
Show Analog and Digital Channels - controls whether analog and/or digital data will be shown.
Show Control Icons - allows your plot icons to be hidden or not to reduce clutter if desired.
Show Axis Settings - allows the axis settings text boxes to be shown or hidden.
Reset Min/Max/Avg - As data plots, the minimum, maximum and average of each channel is stored for various purposes. These values may be reset using this menu option.
Clear Drawings - If drawing instructions are used, such as !drawLine, to place graphics on the plot, this menu choice will clear them.
Clear Constant Drawings - If constant drawing instructions are used which survive a reset, such as @drawLine, to place graphics on the plot, this menu choice will clear them.
Reset Plot - Resets the plot to time 0 and erases all traces.
Save Data - Allows you to name and save your dataset which can be re-loaded.
Load Data - Allows you select a dataset to open for the plot.