All string must end in an ASCII 13 (CR - Carriage Return) or ASCII 10 (LF - Linefeed).
Analog Data
Analog data are ASCII text strings of a single or comma-separated values such as: 10 10, 20, 30 Data is accessible as values as ain0 to ain99 and can be access with [ain0] to [ain99].
Analog data will be plotted by default in analog plots.
Please see Analog Data for more information.
Digital Data
Digital Data are ASCII text strings of binary values starting with % %0 %100100100 Data is accessible as values of din0 to din99 and can be accessed with [din0] to [din99].
Digital Data will be plotted by default in digital plots.
Please see Digital Data for more information.
Message Data
Message data are ASCII text strings which do not start with a numeric value (Analog Data) or the characters of % (digital data), ! (Control and drawing instructions), @ (constant drawing instructions) or ? (shorthand for !debug).
For example: The pump is on.
Message data will be listed in the Message Window.
Messages containing commas will be parsed and its comma-separated portions will be parsed into str0 to str99 for access as [str0] to [str99].
Please see Message Data for more information.