Messages are data which does not begin with as special identifier such as a numeric value, %, ! or @.
Messages will open a message box and display the incoming string.
Using the Debug/CLI Window (F4) is a great way to test incoming data with your interface or testing features.
Hello World!
Reading Message Strings
The entire message string may be access with [messageString].
? [messageString]
If the string contains commas (or the set delimiter), each portion can be accessed using [str0] to [str99]
? The pump is in [str3] speed
Automatically Updating Controls
Controls can have their Update Values configured to automatically update properties based on the string values. Please see Update Values for more information.
Message Data Events
Certain controls can have their Event Code triggered on incoming string data for specialized event processing, such as an Interface. Event code written for these control will be triggered on reception of message string data.
<message>!if {:: [str3] LOW equals} !then !bell // ring computer bell if str3 is LOW
See Control Events for more information on writing even code.