The Data Modifier Window allows scaling of data prior to processing it for use by plots and other controls, it also allows data parse from a Message String (See Message String Data).
The Analog Scaling allows a rapid, simple means of scaling incoming analog data so that the all controls will have access to the scaled data as [ain0] up to [ain99]. For more complex math, please see the Analog Plot's Configuring Channels.
Be default, all values are set for x 1 + 0. By setting the multiplier and the offset, data may be scaled linearly. Modified scales set are listed for quick reference.
The Message Parsing allows non-numeric strings to have data parsed, or extracted from it by setting the string's starting text (optional), the starting position and the number of characters to parse. The value may be used directly to be used as ain0 and the result is stored in msgParse0. We may add more later, and this allows greater flexibility by calling it zero. Clicking Update Message will update the string with the last Message Parsing string received. Clicking the string, the starting position may be set.